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Spotting PROMOTIONAL MARKETING Opportunities! Contests + Giveaways

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some of the biggest brands around today have made fortunes off of the consumer psychology behind promotions and contests. Whether you call them sweepstakes, giveaways, or a brand experience, the proof that they work exists on TVs and billboards across the country. Here’s how you can cash in on the magic of promotions and contests.

Key Takeaways:

  1. How to identify unreal promotional opportunities,
  2. How to use contests to accelerate promotion engagement, and 
  3. How to get crazy email open rates using giveaways.

🔍 Tap into Opportunity 

There are promotional opportunities for every business in any industry, even for personal brands. All it takes is a bit of strategic, creative brainstorming to think of a promotion that will work best for you. Think, “Are there items that sell well together, or is there inventory to clear? Are there new product lines or fashion seasons coming in?”. Maximum promotional efficiency lies where there is an opportunity for your customers and a benefit to your business.  

🔥 Leverage Social Acceleration

Wait, you can run contests at the same time as a promotion? Yes, in fact, you should. Contests can accelerate the reach and engagement of a promotion when done properly. In order to leverage contests fully, make sure to require entrants to share the post in addition to following, liking, and joining your community.

✉️ It’s in the Email

Struggling to grow your email list? Many times, you can blow your list numbers out of the water simply by announcing a promotion winner via email! The negligible difference in the work it takes for the audience to enter the promotion makes a massive value add for your business. Rather than posting who the winner is, it’s always smarter to send.

📄 In Conclusion

Promotions and contests truly go hand in hand and there is a wide range of potentials for businesses who want to run either. When run properly, contests should accelerate the reach and engagement of a promotion. Make sure to announce winners via email as an incentive for followers to join your email list!


📽️  Watch the Full Video on Youtube


“What can we offer the customer that is enticing enough that they will want to take action, they will want to share, and they’ll want to let people know about it?”

Dick Polipnick 

“It cant be something usual like, ‘First-time order 10% off’… it has to be something that you’ve never done before so the customer knows something big is happening.”

Dick Polipnick

A contest is typically a giveaway. It is common to enter by doing things such as liking the post, sharing, following an account, and more.”

Dick Polipnick 

“This is the key: you can’t say you’re going to announce a contest winner on social media. The announcement has to be over email because everyone will want to see if they won.”

Dick Polipnick

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About the author

Dick is a tech hybrid that combines his business experience, marketing background, and software engineering education to solve tough problems. As the Chief Growth Officer of Online Growth Systems, Dick leads the team to help our clients grow their SaaS and Ecommerce businesses. In addition to being a speaker and an entrepreneur, Dick is the host of The Dick Polipnick Show, where he interviews mad scientists, Olympic athletes, business moguls, and top performers in their industry.

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About Dick

Dick is a tech hybrid that combines his business experience, marketing background, and software engineering education to solve tough problems.

As the Chief Growth Officer of Online Growth Systems, Dick leads the team to help our clients grow their SaaS and Ecommerce businesses.

In addition to being a speaker and an entrepreneur, Dick is the host of The Dick Polipnick Show, where he interviews mad scientists, Olympic athletes, business moguls, and top performers in their industry.


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